ePSOPT Setup¶
Similar to ETOL, PSOPT is an open source software package that relies on open source packages. The library can be obtained at https://github.com/PSOPT/psopt. It comes with an Ubuntu 18.04 install script, which also installs the prerequisite software packages. The library does not provide an install script for other operating systems, such as Windows. However, PSOPT has been successfully used on Windows with ePSOPT.
Windows Setup¶
Many packages need to be built from source. The primary packages are IPOPT and ADOL-C. These two packages require additional open source packages too. The following steps provide instructions for building PSOPT and its dependencies on a Windows 10 machine.
If MSYS2 is not installed, complete the instructions in the Windows Setup section.
Install additional prerequisite software
pacman -S unzip mingw-w64-x86_64-openblas mingw-w64-x86_64-lapack \ mingw-w64-x86_64-suitesparse mingw-w64-x86_64-metis mingw-w64-x86_64-swig \ mingw-w64-x86_64-readline mingw-w64-x86_64-libgd
Install ColPack with CMake.
Open a MSYS2 shell
Download Colpack
git clone https://github.com/CSCsw/ColPack.git
Edit the CMakeLists.txt file in ./ColPack/build/cmake. Replace “ColPack_headers” with “ColPack”. Replace “ColPack_libs” with “cmake/ColPack”. Delete “/shared_archive”, “/shared_library”, “/shared_runtime”, “/archive”, “/library”, and “/runtime”. Change “WIN32” to “MSVC”. Change the following lines
101 ${COLPACK_ROOT_DIR}/src/Recovery/*.cpp 170 $target_link_libraries(ColPack_shared PRIVATE ${OpenMP_C_LIBRARIES})
Change directory to ColPack’s build directory
cd ColPack/build
Create a “mywork” directory
mkdir mywork && cd mywork
Generate the build files
Build the files
make && make install
Install ADOL-C
Open a MSYS Shell
Download ADOL-C
git clone https://github.com/coin-or/ADOL-C.git
Change directory to ADOL-C
Edit ./ADOL-C/swig/adolc-numpy-for.i. Change all “unsigned long” to “unsigned long long”
Edit ./configure.ac. On line 95, change “_lib=lib64” to “_lib=lib”.
Edit ./ADOL-C/swig/setup.py. Replace “lib64” to “lib”. Change line 193 to
Run the following
autoreconf -vfi
Configure the build
./configure --prefix=/mingw64 --with-colpack=/mingw64 \ --with-cflags="-O3 -fPIC -std=c99 -Wall" \ --with-cxxflags="-O3 -std=c++11 -Wall -fPIC" --enable-sparse \ --with-boost-libdir=/mingw64/lib --enable-ulong --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no --with-openmp-flag="-fopenmp"
Build and install
make && make install
Install a IPOPT Linear Solver. For example the Harwell Subroutines Library (HSL) was successfully used on Windows.
Install IPOPT such that it dynamically loads a linear solver
Open a MSYS2 Shell
Download Ipopt
git clone https://github.com/coin-or/Ipopt.git
Change directory to Ipopt
cd Ipopt
Modify it load such that it loads the installed linear solver’s dll. For example, if HSL is used, modify ./src/contrib/LinearSolverLoader/HSLLoader.c, by changing ‘#define HSLLIBNAME SHAREDEXT’ to ‘#define HSLLIBNAME “libhsl.dll”’
Make a build folder
mkdir build && cd build
Configure the build
../configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no coin_skip_warn_cxxflags=yes \ --with-mumps=no --with-asl=no --with-hsl=no --prefix=/mingw64 \ LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl"
Build Ipopt
make -j $(($(nproc) - 1))
Install Ipopt
make install
Install a PDFLib-Lite shared library based on MinGW32 Linux Distro Notes
Open a MSYS2 shell
Download PDFLib-Lite
git clone https://github.com/Distrotech/PDFlib-Lite.git
Change directory to PDFlib-Lite
cd PDFlib-Lite
Edit ./libs/pdcore/pc_util.h by adding the following to line 25
#undef isfinite
Change line 23 in ./config/mkcommon.inc to
Configure the build
./configure --prefix=/mingw64 CFLAGS="-DPDFLIB_EXPORTS" --enable-64-bit
Build and install
make && make install
Change directory to /mingw64/lib
cd /mingw64/lib
Create a shared Library
gcc -shared -o libpdf.dll libpdf.a
Create a gendef file
gendef - libpdf.dll > libpdf.def
Create a dll.a file
dlltool -d libpdf.def -l libpdf.dll.a
Move the dll file to the mingw64/bin directory
mv ./libpdf.dll ../bin
Install PSOPT
Open a MSYS2 shell
Download PSOPT
git clone https://github.com/PSOPT/psopt.git
Change directory to PSOPT
cd psopt
Download lusol into the PSOPT directory
wget --continue http://www.stanford.edu/group/SOL/software/lusol/lusol.zip
Extract the lusol files
unzip ./lusol.zip
Edit ./Makefile.
Delete lines 194 and 186, which are for $(CXSPARSE).
Change the following lines
9 prefix = /mingw64 179 all: $(DMATRIX_LIBS) $(LUSOL_LIBS) $(PSOPT_LIBS)
Edit ./dmatrix/lib/Makefile. Change the following lines
18 IPOPTINCDIR = ${prefix}/include/coin-or 27 CXX = g++ 28 CC = gcc 29 CXXFLAGS = -O0 -g -I$(SNOPTDIR)/cppsrc -I$(DMATRIXDIR)/include -I$(SNOPTDIR)/cppexamples -I$(PSOPTSRCDIR) -DLAPACK -DUNIX -DSPARSE_MATRIX -DUSE_SNOPT -DUSE_IPOPT -I$(CXSPARSE)/Include -I$(LUSOL) -I$(CXSPARSE)/../SuiteSparse_config -I$(IPOPTINCDIR) -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -DNDEBUG -fPIC -DHAVE_MALLOC
Edit ./PSOPT/lib/Makefile. Change the following lines
16 prefix = /mingw64 18 IPOPTINCDIR = -I${prefix}/include/coin-or 27 CXX = g++ 28 CC = gcc 29 CXXFLAGS = -O0 -g -I${prefix}/include -I${prefix}/include/adolc -I$(DMATRIXDIR)/include -I$(SNOPTDIR)/cppexamples -I$(PSOPTSRCDIR) -DLAPACK -DWIN32 -DSPARSE_MATRIX -DUSE_IPOPT -I$(LUSOL) $(IPOPTINCDIR) -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -DNDEBUG -fPIC -DHAVE_MALLOC -std=c++11 -DPSOPT_EXPORT
Edit plot.cxx and psopt.h in ./PSOPT/src, by replacing all instances of “const string& title” to “const string title”.
Edit ./PSOPT/src/psopt.h.
Add to beginning of lines 1111 and 1113
Replace lines 39 to 43 with
#ifndef PSOPT_API #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef PSOPT_EXPORT #define PSOPT_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PSOPT_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #endif #endif
Edit ./PSOPT/src/plot.h. Delete or comment out lines 61 to 65
Edit ./PSOPT/src/IPOPT_interface.cxx. Replace “WIN32” with “MSVC”.
Edit ./PSOPT/src/NLP_interface.cxx to use the installed IPOPT linear solver. A list of supported linear solver values are provided at https://coin-or.github.io/Ipopt/OPTIONS.html#OPT_Linear_Solver. For example for HSL ma57, add the following to line 559
Edit ./dmatrix/include/dmatrixv.h.
Change line 116 to
#define DEC_THREAD __thread
First delete any instance of “=NULL” and “= Null”.
Replace any instance of “ntype=0” with “ntype”.
Between lines 1725 to 1832 replace:
“[]” with “[] = NULL”
“* U” with “* U = NULL”
“* V” with “* V = NULL”
“* rindx” with “* rindx = NULL”
“* cindx” with “* cindx = NULL”
“int ntype” with “int ntype = 0”
Between lines 2443 to 2484, replace:
“[]” with “[] = NULL”
“* U” with “* U = NULL”
“* V” with “* V = NULL”
make all
Create a PSOPT_HOME environment variable that point points the PSOPT root directory. For example, in bashrc, add the following line at the end of the file
export PSOPT_HOME=/home/${USER}/psopt